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BSU Academic Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic Achievement Center (AAC) – The AAC is a collection of academic resources designed to help students achieve their academic goals. It is comprised of five teams, including Academic Advising, Academic Coaching, Learning Assistance (including individual and small-group tutoring), Student Accessibility Services, Testing Services, and Transfer Services. The mission of the AAC is to empower students to access, discover, and achieve. Also known as: The happiest place on Earth!

Academic Advisor – An Academic Advisor is someone who can serve as a resource for you during your time at the University. At the beginning of their first semester, all incoming freshmen are assigned an Academic Advisor in the Academic Achievement Center for at least their first semester at 51Թ. Common advising conversations cover topics such as: college success skills and strategies, referrals to campus resources, course selection and clearance for registration, major exploration, and graduation timelines. If you have any question about college, however, you can go to your Advisor for help. You can find the name of your Academic Advisor on your Student Profile in Infobear.

Academic Calendar – A list of important University dates and deadlines including things like campus holidays, Add/Drop deadlines, Withdrawal deadlines, etc. Available on the Registrar’s website.

Academic Coach Academic Coaches are experts on what it takes to be successful in college. All students are welcome to meet with an Academic Coach to discuss general skills and strategies to improve their academic outlook. Common areas of discussion in coaching include: time management, study skills, note-taking, and test-taking strategies. Academic Coaches work in the AAC, and appointments can be made through Accudemia.

Academic Concern - Students with a GPA below a 2.0 but above the minimum required for retention (based upon total credits earned) are placed in the Academic Concern standing category. Students who are in Academic Concern are expected to use academic resources (e.g. academic coaching, tutoring, etc.) to improve their GPAs and return to Good Standing as soon as possible. Students who do not return to Good Standing may enter other Academic Standing categories such as Academic Intervention or Academic Separation. Students in Academic Concern may also be restricted from certain extracurricular activities. For more details, consult the or your academic advisor.

Academic Intervention - Students with a GPA below a 2.0 and below the minimum required for retention (based on total credits earned) are placed in Academic Intervention standing category. Students may remain on Academic Intervention for one semester to improve their GPA. If a student achieves a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while on Academic Intervention, they may continue on Academic Intervention. Students who do not return to Good Standing or earn a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while in the Academic Intervention category may face Academic Separation.

Academic Separation – If a student is not able to maintain a satisfactory GPA during their time at BSU and has had at least one semester of Academic Intervention, they may face Academic Separation which means they are prevented from taking classes at BSU for at least one semester. For more details, consult the or your academic advisor.

Academic Standing – Academic Standing is an assessment of a student’s progress toward their degree.  Progress is tracked based on number of completed credits and GPA. There are four Academic Standing levels: Good Standing, Academic Concern, Academic Intervention, and Academic Separation. See the other entries in this glossary, as well as the , for details on these different levels.

Accommodations – Accommodations are academic and campus supports available to some students based on documented medical or psychological conditions. Common accommodations include extended testing time, private testing location, and use of assistive technology. Students seeking accommodations should contact Student Accessibility Services in the AAC.

Accudemia – Accudemia is an online scheduling system. Students can use Accudemia to schedule appointments with Academic Coaches and Tutors in the AAC. Instructions on how to access and use the Accudemia scheduling system are available for current students on the AAC Intranet pages.

Add (a class) – To register for a class and thereby add it to your schedule. Students can only add classes during scheduled registration periods.

Add/Drop Period – An Add/Drop Period takes place at the beginning of each academic term and may last for 1 day up to 1 week depending on the term. During this time, students may continue to make adjustments to their schedules by adding and dropping classes. Consult the Registrar's Website for specific dates.

Ascend Program - an individualized AAC academic support program designed to help students on academic intervention on their paths to success at BSU.

Asynchronous Class – An online class that has no defined meeting time. Students must complete assignments by their deadlines, but are not required to be present for online instructions/work at regularly scheduled times.


Bear ID – An 8-digit ID number unique to each student. The Bear ID is often used to identify students on University paperwork and when accessing academic records.

Blackboard – Blackboard is the online learning management system used at BSU. Students can access coursework, submit assignments, track their grades, participate in discussion boards, and have live, virtual classroom experiences through Blackboard. All classes have access to Blackboard, although it is used most heavily in Online and Hybrid classes. Blackboard is accessible through the .

BridgeNet – BridgeNet is the University’s internal website (Intranet). News and updates related to BSU are posted here, and many links are available to different campus resources. All departments at BSU have their own pages on BridgeNet with more information about departmental resources. The Campus Directory is also available on BridgeNet, and it can be used to look up contact information for faculty and staff. If you have a question about something at BSU, you can likely find more information about it on BridgeNet. BridgeNet can be accessed from the BSU Student Portal.

Bristaco – Half secret agent, half rock star, half superhero space traveler. Who taught Beyonce how to dance and Tom Brady how to throw a football? Who's the O.G. IG influencer and the bear with the flair to dare to care? It’s the BSU mascot: it’s Bristaco.


Career Services and Internship Program Office – The helps students develop the skills needed to transition from college to the working world. The counselors in this office can help you write your first resume, prepare for a final round of interviews, secure a paid internship for academic credit, and more. They also help undecided students explore different careers and majors. Visit this office early in your college career!

Checkpoint - BSU Checkpoint is a program designed to assist you in completing your time-sensitive admission items like placement testing, scheduling a one-on-one advising appointment, and much more! This program is geared for you as an individual and offers the campus resources to help.

Core Curriculum – The Core Curriculum was developed to serve as the academic foundation that all BSU students build on to complete their degree. It includes a distribution of general education coursework that allows students a wide choice of classes. It is composed of four main areas: skill requirements, seminars, distribution requirements, and requirements within the major. The core requirements can be reviewed on your Degree Works Degree Audit.

Corequisite – A Corequisite is any requirement that must be completed before or at the same time as a certain course in order for a student to be eligible to take that course. Corequisites may be different classes, grades, class-standings, majors, or GPA minimums. One common example is that a student must take ACFI100 during the same semester as ACFI101, so ACFI101 is a corequisite of ACFI100. Labs are also often corequisites for science lecture courses. Corequisites are listed in as well as the .

Counseling Center – The Counseling Center offers mental health support to all students at BSU. Counselors are available by appointment, and they also offer walk-in counseling whenever the office is open. The Counseling Center is located in the Health Services office in Weygand Hall.

Course Description – A Course Description is a detailed description of a class. Reviewing it will give you a sense of the material the course will cover, as well as some of the learning outcomes. Course descriptions for all classes are available in the , as well as through the and DegreeWorks course searches.

Course Fee – A Course Fee is a fee that must be paid in addition to the standard tuition and fees in order to take certain classes. These fees often cover additional materials or infrastructure required to hold a course. One example is the $25 per-credit course fee required for asynchronous online courses. If a class has an associated Course Fee, it should be listed in the Infobear course description.

Course Number – The Course Number is an alphanumeric code consisting of four letters and 3 numbers that differentiates one course from another. For example, the course number for Introductory Psychology is PSYC100. The Course Number is used for registration purposes, and also listed on course schedules and academic transcripts.

Credit – Students are awarded college credits for completing classes. For each hour per week that a class meets, one credit is awarded. Most classes at BSU are 3-credit classes. The amount of tuition and fees students pay is also based on the number of credits they take. Students must earn 120 credits in order to meet the credit requirement for the Bachelor’s degree at BSU.

Credit Overload – Students may register for a maximum of 18 credits in a Fall or Spring semester or 12 credits in a Summer semester. Registering for more than those amounts puts the student in credit overload. Permission from a Dean is required before a student can be in credit overload. Additionally, the Fall/Spring full-time rate for tuition and fees only covers students from 12-17 credits. Students who register for more than 17 credits must also pay additional tuition and fees per credit.

Crimson Days - Crimson Days is an orientation program in late August/early September that offers a variety of interactive and individualized sessions and touchpoints designed for new to BSU students to make connections, learn about BSU, and engage with the BSU community including “Crimson Celebration” and “Welcome Day.”

CRN – A CRN, or Course Registration Number, is a unique five-digit number assigned to each section offered in a term. For example, the CRN for ENGL101-003 might be 91752 while the CRN for ENGL101-007 might be 91759. The CRN is used to register for classes.

Cumulative GPA – The Cumulative GPA is the grade point average calculated based on all classes a student has attempted at 51Թ. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to graduate (although some programs require higher GPAs).


Dean’s List – The Dean’s List is published at the end of each semester to honor the academic achievement of full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students. A 3.3 GPA for the semester is required with a minimum of 12 credits earned and no grades of “incomplete” in order to earn Dean’s List honors.

Degree Audit – The Degree Audit is a useful way to track your progress toward your degree. It is a comprehensive list of all the academic requirements you need to meet in order to graduate. That includes general credit and GPA requirements, Core Curriculum requirements, and Major (and minor, if applicable) requirements. The Degree Audit also lists your progress toward those requirements, including any requirements that are in progress or completed. Your degree audit is available through Degree Works which you can access using .

Degree Planner – The Degree Plan is a way to plot out your degree requirements over time so you can get a picture of how long it will take you to graduate and which classes you should take each semester. The plan is customizable and can be changed as needed. The Degree Plan is available through Degree Works which you can access using Infobear.

Degree Works – Degree Works is an online application that gives students multiple ways to track and explore different degree requirements. It includes the Degree Audit, the Degree Plan, and What-If Degree Audits to allow students to explore different majors. It is accessible through .

Double Dipping – Double Dipping is an expression used to denote one class that can satisfy multiple degree requirements. For example, Intro to Cultural Anthropology (ANTH100) counts toward three different Core requirements: Global Culture, Multiculturalism, and Social/Behavioral Science.

Double Major – A student can earn a double major if they complete all the major requirements from two separate areas. Doing a double major may mean that a student earns more than 120 credits. Some majors, like Elementary Education, require a second major as part of their requirements.

Double Minor – A student can earn a double minor if they complete all the minor requirements from two separate areas.

Drop (a class) – When you drop a class, it is removed completely from your schedule and transcript as if you had never been registered for it. You are no longer required to pay for any classes that are dropped from your schedule. Drops are only allowed during open registration periods and the Add/Drop period.


Elective – An Elective is a class that earns credits, but that does not count toward any specific degree requirement. Students will need to take Electives to make sure they earn the 120 required credits for their degrees when the number of credits earned through their Major and Core requirements do not add up to 120.

Evening Class – Any class that begins after 4 p.m. on a weekday or meets on a weekend is considered an Evening Class. These classes are offered by the College of Continuing Studies. Evening Classes have a different pay structure. If a student is registered for more than 12 credits, and any of their credits are from Evening classes, they will be required to pay additional credits beyond the standard full-time tuition/fees.


Faculty Advisor – Faculty Advisors are Academic Advisors who are also faculty members in a department at BSU and have teaching (and possibly research) duties in addition to advising duties. Students with declared majors move on to a Faculty Advisor within their chosen academic department after their first semester or year (depending on major) at BSU.

FERPA – FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. It is a Federal law that ensures adult students have the right to privacy when it comes to their educational records. Generally, it means that University officials are not allowed to share student information with outside parties (including parents) without written permission from the student. Written permission can also be required for parents to sit in on academic meetings with students. For more information about FERPA and available release paperwork, please visit the Registrar’s website.

Financial AidFinancial Aid is funding given to students by outside sources to help pay for college expenses. Financial Aid comes in many forms like grants, loans, scholarships, and stipends. Some financial aid (i.e. loans) must be paid back after college. The most common Financial Aid is federal financial aid provided by the federal government. In order to be eligible for federal financial aid, students must complete a each year. For help with or questions about financial aid, check in with the Financial Aid office, located in the Welcome Center on campus.

First Year Seminar (FYS) – The First Year Seminar (FYS) requirement consists of a writing-intensive class that helps hone students’ critical reading, writing, and thinking skills. It must be completed within the first 24 credits of a student’s college experience as part of the Core Curriculum requirements. FYS classes are offered across a variety of different subjects at BSU, and students may take their FYS class from any of those subjects, regardless of major. Students may only complete one FYS class for credit. All FYS classes have a 199 course number.

Full-Time Student – A student who is registered for 12 or more credits in a Fall or Spring semester is considered a Full-Time Student. A student may need to be full-time to meet eligibility requirements for things like University athletics, financial aid coverage, visa status, and more. Full-Time students are charged the full-time rate for tuition and fees. 

Full-Time Tuition – BSU currently charges a flat rate of tuition and fees for students who are registered between 12 and 17 credits in the Fall and Spring semesters. Students registered for fewer than 12 credits pay less than this full-time rate; students registered for more than 17 credits pay more than this full-time rate. Additional exceptions to the full-time rate include fees for Evening Classes and additional Course Fees. For more information on the full-time tuition rate, visit the .


Good Academic Standing – In order for a student to maintain Good Academic Standing, their cumulative GPA must be at a minimum of 2.0. Good Academic Standing is required to maintain eligibility for things like graduation, University Athletics, extracurricular activities, and more. For more information on Good Academic Standing, visit the .

Grade Point Average (GPA) – The GPA indicates the student’s overall academic average. It’s calculated by taking the average (mean) of the numerical value of each grade a student has earned. Grades are weighted by the number of credits each class is worth. BSU operates on a 0.0 - 4.0 scale (0.0 = F, 1.0 = D, 2.0 = C, 3.0 = B, 4.0 = A). Different GPAs are calculated to determine the Cumulative GPA, Major GPA, and Semester GPA. If you have questions about GPA or GPA calculations, please consult an academic advisor.


Health Insurance Waiver – All BSU undergraduate students who register for 9 or more credits in a semester are automatically enrolled in the University’s health insurance plan because they are required to have health insurance coverage. Students who already have outside coverage may complete a waiver to be removed from the University’s plan so they do not have to pay the extra fee. The waiver is available online through the Student Accounts Office.

High Pass/Mid Pass/Low Pass Policy - Undergraduate students may select optional High Pass, Mid Pass, Low Pass, No Pass (HP/MP/LP/NP) grades rather than traditional letter grades in up to 12 credits of free elective course work. The HP, MP, and LP grades will earn credit, but will not be included in GPA calculations (NP will not earn credit or be included in GPA). Courses using theses grades cannot count toward core or major requirements, and students earning these grades are not eligible for Dean’s List in that semester. For more information, consult your academic advisor or view the .

Hold – Students may have a hold placed on their record for not fulfilling certain obligations to the University. Some reasons for holds include outstanding tuition bills and overdue library materials. Holds and the associated offices are listed in the top section of the Student Profile in InfoBear. If a student has a hold, they must contact the office that placed the hold in order to resolve it. Students will not be able to register for classes or adjust their schedules until all holds are resolved.

Honors Course – 51Թ offers some courses each semester designated as Honors courses. These courses have smaller class sizes, require more classroom discussion, and offer greater interaction with faculty than other courses. Students in the Commonwealth Honors Program are required to earn credits from Honors courses in order to complete the program. Honors courses are denoted by an H in the section number (e.g. SOCI199-H01). Only students in the Honors program are eligible to register for Honors courses.

Hybrid Class – A Hybrid Class is like a combination of a traditional in-person class and an online (web) class. Some class meetings are required, but some of the work is also conducted in an online setting. The ratio of in-person to online classwork may vary depending on the class. Hybrid classes are denoted by an X in the section number (e.g. HIST222-X01).


Infobear – Infobear is the online resource students can use to review their University records and information. Students can access academic, financial, and personal information in Infobear. Students also use Infobear to search and register for classes each semester. Infobear can be accessed from the .

Intersession – The Intersession is a brief period between the Fall and Spring terms during which some courses are offered at BSU. Most Intersession courses are offered online. Because the Intersession period is so short, classes move at a very fast pace. Students are not recommended to take more than one class during the Intersession. The Intersession is considered part of the Spring semester for registration and billing purposes.


Lab – A lab is a paired section of a course that often includes hands-on, experiential coursework. Many science classes have labs attached to them (e.g. BIOL100 and BIOL100L), but other subjects may have labs, too. Most labs are worth an additional 1 credit on top of the standard 3 credits of a course. If a course has an attached lab, students are required to register for both the lecture (class) and the lab together. Infobear should note if a lab is required and if a specific lab section is required based on the lecture section chosen. Labs are denoted by an L at the end of the course number (e.g. CHEM131L).


Major – A Major is a focused area of study centered around a specific subject. Each major has its own set of required coursework. Some majors may also have GPA and/or experiential learning requirements. All students at BSU are required to complete a major in order to graduate.

Major GPA – The Major GPA is the grade point average calculated based on all coursework completed within a student’s major subject area (e.g. the Major GPA for a Psychology Major is calculated based on their grades in PSYC classes). Some majors require a specific minimum GPA as part of the major requirements.

Minor – A Minor is a focused area of study centered around a specific subject. Each minor has its own set of required coursework, but those requirements are not as extensive as the requirements for a major. Most minors require students to complete about 6 courses. Students are not required to complete a minor in order to graduate.


Navigate - Navigate is an advising tool that allows advisors and students to connect more easily. Students can use Navigate to get information about campus resources and request support with the click of a button. Students can also use Navigate to schedule an appointment with their assigned AAC advisor or Student Navigator.

Night Class – see Evening Class.


Official Transcript – An Official Transcript is a sealed version of a student’s complete academic record at an academic institution. It includes all coursework attempted, as well as all grades, credit, and GPA information. Official Transcripts are usually required as part of an application to transfer to another school or to attend graduate/professional school. In order for a transcript to be considered official, it must be submitted in a way that affirms it has not been tampered with. Usually this is done via sealed/signed envelope, but some institutions can also submit Official Transcripts electronically. To obtain/submit an Official Transcript from BSU, contact the Registrar’s Office or visit their website.

Online Class – An Online Class is a class in which the course instruction and assignments are completed online rather than in a traditional in-person setting. Online classes at BSU are also known as “web” classes. Some online classes are taught asynchronously, which means students aren’t required to be online at a specific time, while others are taught synchronously, meaning students have online virtual class sessions at specific times. Online classes offer convenience, but also require students to have strong time management skills and be comfortable with independent work. Some online classes may have additional course fees associated with them.


Paired Section – A Paired Section is a specific section of a class that is required to be taken alongside another class. Paired Sections may be labs or tutorials that provide additional enrichment or support to enhance the coursework. Paired Sections are denoted in Infobear and often have the same section number as the required course. For example, the paired section for ENGL101E-003 might be ENGL144-003. If a class has a paired section, you will not be able to register for a different section of the pair.

Part-Time Student – A Part-Time Student is a student who is registered for fewer than 12 credits (but more than 0 credits) in a Fall or Spring semester. Part-Time students may not be eligible for certain University extracurricular activities, and part-time status might change a student’s financial aid eligibility. Part-Time students are charged tuition and fees on a per-credit basis.

Placement Testing – Students complete placement testing in English and Math to determine what is the most appropriate level for them to start at BSU in each of those subjects. English placement testing is completed through an essay that students submit online before enrolling. Math placement testing can be completed by submission of SAT scores or by taking a Math Placement Test through BSU. Advisors help students interpret placement test scores to determine appropriate classes for registration.

Prerequisite – A Prerequisite is any requirement that must be completed before a student can take a certain course. Prerequisites may be different classes, grades, class-standings, majors, or GPA minimums. A common example is that a student must complete PSYC100 before they take PSYC230. Prerequisites are listed in Infobear as well as the .


Quarter – A Quarter term is approximately half a semester long. In the Fall and Spring semesters, BSU offers Quarter classes in the first and second halves of the semester. Because they don’t have as many individual class sessions, Quarter classes are either offered for fewer than 3 credits or at a faster pace. Quarter classes usually have an A in the section code if they meet during the first half of the term and a B in the section code if they meet during the second half of the term (e.g. A01, B02, etc.).


Register – To Register is to add classes to your schedule for any term. Students register themselves for classes online at BSU under the guidance of an academic advisor.

Registrar’s Office – The Registrar’s Office maintains academic records for the University. This includes student transcripts, registration information, final exam schedules, and dates/deadlines for academic procedures (e.g. graduation, course withdrawals, etc.). You can visit their website for information on important academic deadlines and for required forms related to registration, transcripts, and more.

Registration Clearance – Each semester, students need to be cleared to register for their classes by their academic advisor. Before their first semester, this happens automatically. In subsequent semesters, students must discuss their schedule choices with their advisor before they can get registration clearance. Registration clearance is not required for Summer class registration.

Registration Hold – See Hold

Registration PIN – A six-digit number required for Fall and Spring course registration. Each Registration PIN is generated after a student has been cleared to register by their advisor and can be accessed through the Student Profile on Infobear.


Second Year Seminar (SYS) – The purpose of SYS is to engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share, and interpret knowledge, potentially through engagement with the outside world. SYS classes are offered across a variety of subjects, and students may take any SYS regardless of major. Students must complete one SYS as part of the Core Curriculum, and only one SYS may be taken for credit at BSU. SYS classes with a 298 course number are speaking-intensive; courses with a 299 course number are writing intensive.

Section – When there is high demand for a course at BSU, multiple Sections of the same course are offered. Each section will meet at a different time and may have a different teacher, but the same course material will be covered, so the students will all meet the same learning outcomes and get credit for the same course.

Section Number – Each section has its own Section Number to differentiate it from other sections of the same course. The Section Number is a three-digit code that follows the course number (e.g. in PSYC100-003, the Section Number is 003). Section Numbers may include letters to designate variations on how the course is taught. For example, a Section Number with a W will be a Web course, and a Section Number with an H will be an Honors course.

Semester – A semester is an academic term of about 15 weeks during which BSU is open for academic courses. There are Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Semester GPA - The Semester GPA is the grade point average calculated based on all coursework completed within a given Semester. The Semester GPA is used to determine which students are eligible for the Dean’s List.

Single Sign On – Single Sign On is a protocol through which one username/password can be used to access multiple different password-protected areas online. BSU uses Single Sign On to allow students, faculty, and staff to access Email, campus computers, Office365 utilities, Infobear, and more. The username/password used for Single Sign On is your BSU email username/password.

Speaking Intensive – Speaking Intensive courses at BSU are courses that require students to complete a large amount of their coursework through oral assessments (e.g. speeches, presentations, discussions, etc.). Students may complete one Speaking Intensive course as part of the Core Curriculum. Second Year Seminar courses with course numbers of 298 are Speaking Intensive.

Student Accessibility Services Student Accessibility Services is a resource office in the AAC dedicated to assisting students with documented medical, psychological, and other conditions so they can obtain accommodations to support them during their time at BSU. Common accommodations include extended testing time, private testing locations, and access to assistive technology. They welcome students to contact them with questions about and assistance with the accommodation process.

Student Portal – is an online site through which BSU students can access online records and utilities including email, the Intranet, Blackboard, and more.

Student Profile – The Student Profile is where students can access their academic information related to BSU, including (but not limited to) registration and schedule information, unofficial transcripts, semester grades, and the Degree Audit. The Student Profile is accessible through the Student menu in Infobear.

Syllabus – A course Syllabus is a document that lists important information about a course including course expectations, assignments, due dates, required materials, instructor contact information, and learning outcomes. You should review the Syllabi for all of your classes at the beginning of each semester and consult them when you have a question about any course requirements or procedures.

Synchronous Class – An online class that DOES have defined meeting times. Students are expected to be present online at the times listed on the schedule. Instructors should explain to students how they are expected to be present for the class (e.g. Zoom, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, etc.).


Teams – Teams is a Microsoft application that facilitates contact between members of the BSU community through text, audio, and video chats/meetings. Advisors in the AAC use Teams to work with students when an in-person meeting is not possible. Teams can be accessed and/or downloaded from Office365 by anyone with a BSU email. More information on how to download and use Teams is available on the AAC website.

Transcript – A Transcript is a full account of your academic record at an institution. It includes course information, grades, credit counts, and GPA for all attempted coursework. Transcripts are available in Official and Unofficial forms.

Tuition and Fees – Tuition and Fees make up the cost of your bill for academic courses. Tuition rates are set by the state, and Fees are set by the individual institution. Fees generally make up the majority of a student bill. It is important to note that when a student’s “Tuition” is paid for by a particular scholarship, that does not mean that the Fees will also be covered. For a full breakdown of Tuition and Fees at BSU, review the or contact the Student Accounts Office.

Tuition Insurance – 51Թ offers a Tuition Protection Insurance Plan that allows students to purchase coverage of their college costs in case they are not able to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason. The coverage ensures reimbursement for tuition, housing, and other payments. The deadline to enroll in this program is the day before classes begin each semester. For more information visit the .

Tutoring – Tutoring is an academic activity through which students receive support from content experts in a subject area. Tutors may be students who are successful veterans of a course, or even faculty members. The AAC offers one-on-one and small group tutoring in multiple different subjects, on a drop-in and an appointment basis, at no extra cost to students.


University Catalog – The University Catalog is the document that outlines all rules, regulations, policies, procedures, fees, courses of study, course descriptions, and academic requirements of an institution. .

Unofficial Transcript – An Unofficial Transcript is a full account of your academic record at an institution, but it is not sealed or certified as official. Unofficial Transcripts may be available online through a student information system, or printed as an unofficial record. If a sealed, Official Transcript is opened by a student, it immediately becomes Unofficial. Unofficial Transcripts are useful informational documents, but Official Transcripts are usually required for applications to transfer or to graduate/professional school.


Web Class – see Online Class

Withdraw – Students may Withdraw from a class after the end of the Add/Drop period. When you Withdraw from a class, the course remains on your record and you receive a W grade. The W grade does not count toward your GPA. Students may Withdraw from individual classes by filling out a form at the Registrar’s Office, or from the full semester by requesting the necessary form from AAC. If you Withdraw from a class, you are still responsible for paying for some or all course tuition/fees. Withdrawals can also potentially affect Financial Aid, NCAA, health insurance, and international visa eligibility. There is a Withdrawal deadline each semester, after which Withdrawals are only possible by appeal. Check the Academic Calendar to find out when the Withdrawal deadline is each semester.

Writing Intensive - Writing Intensive courses at BSU are courses that require students to complete a large amount of their coursework through written assessments (e.g. papers). Students are required to complete a minimum of 2 Writing Intensive courses as part of the Core Curriculum. All First Year Seminar courses, and all Second Year Seminar courses with course numbers of 299 are considered Writing Intensive.