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Seen and Heard (Video)

New location for college radio station boosts visibility
Story Series
News Feature

Over the past 46 years, students have used their radios, boomboxes, Walkmans, stereos, and iPhones to tune in to 91.5 WBIM.

Chances are, most students didn’t have a clue as to where the 51Թ station was broadcast from.

That all changed when the station recently got a new, modern and highly visible space in the Rondileau Campus Center’s lower foyer.

“We’re making our presence known,” said Sean Meehan, 91.5 WBIM event director. 

Since 1972, WBIM was housed in the top floor of the RCC near the ballroom and women’s bathroom. Not exactly no man’s land, but a bit out of the way.

“We were hidden,” said Tyler Morgan, ’21, a double sociology and early childhood education major, who also deejays for the station.

Thanks to funding from the president’s office, what used to be empty, unused space is now a glass-encased studio with brand new state-of-the art technology.  

The soundproof studio boasts new microphones, computers, monitors and soundboard. 

“I love the new space because it’s a lot more open than being upstairs, people are more welcoming – they knock on the glass and ask what’s going on,” Tyler said. 

DJ Alyssa Raymond, ’20, agrees that the new space is definitely more accessible to the general public.

“I love it, we are much more visible and people can see we are here,” she said.

The visibility has also encouraged others to get involved.

According to Tyler there are 30 more students working at the station this year compared to last.

“We are getting a lot more interns thanks to the publicity generated with the new studio,” Sean said.

The station can be heard at 91.5 FM and online at.

For more information, or to learn how to get involved, email,WBIM@bridgew.edu. To make song a request or ask an on-air question call, 508-531-1303.

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