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Publishing Stories

Students working on The Bridge gain critical experience
Story Series
News Feature

Walking into Dr. Sarah Fawn Montgomery’s class, you might think you’ve entered a publishing house – and that’s exactly the point.

Undergraduates in the interdisciplinary course produce , The Bridge. The staff solicits works from students and alumni, decides which submissions to print, designs and markets the journal, organizes events and writes a .

“Being able to create a whole book as a college student … is an amazing experience to take part in,” said Syllina Ramalho, ’20, a graphic design major from Acushnet minoring in art history.

Not only will Syllina and her peers leave the yearlong class having produced the annual publication, they’ll gain valuable skills employers in their fields seek.

Collaboration, public speaking, and experiential learning are critical for artists’ growth, said Dr. Alain Blunt, an assistant professor of art.

The Bridge is a wonderful model for cross-disciplinary work and creative interaction, where English and art inform each other toward the common goal of producing an excellent academic publication of literary and fine arts,” said Blunt, who co-advises The Bridge with Montgomery, an assistant professor of English.

Working on the journal prepares senior English majors Jennifer Berard and Erin Ryan for publishing careers.

“I love being able to take raw works and help authors get them out in the world,” said Jennifer, who is from Norton and minoring in communication studies

Erin, who is minoring in public relations and hails from Gloucester, agreed: “I think everybody has a story that needs to be told and I’d love to be that person to help them.”

Students emphasize that the journal is not just for art and English majors. Anyone with a creative passion is welcome to submit content.

Staff members such as graphic design major Kelsey Long, ’20, have their own passion.

"We get to create something that emphasizes what we love – art and creative writing and literature,” said Long, a Hull resident minoring in accounting and management. “It’s a great opportunity for us.”

Students and alumni can through the journal’s website until Dec. 1.

Do you have a BSU story you'd like to share? Email stories@bridgew.edu.

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