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Living Learning Communities

The Living Learning Communities (LLCs) program at BSU aims to support student learning by encouraging academic achievement through connection to faculty, staff, like-minded peers and enhanced programming

LLCs work to provide a structure that students can use to grow and develop into engaged citizens within the University and global community.​ These communities give students the opportunity to connect their academic goals with their co-curricular interests.

A Living and Learning Experience

You will learn a great deal outside of the classroom. The residence hall staff fosters learning through floor meetings, educational and social programs and daily interactions with residents. You are encouraged to be an active and contributing member of your community.

Living Learning Communities Benefits

Students who choose to live in a learning community benefit from enhanced programming and access to resources that will help them become more successful while at the university. Living in an LLC affords students the chance to connect their academic goals with their co-curricular interests. The staff in Residence Life and Housing partners with faculty to create a true living and learning environment conveniently located in a residence hall community. Residence Life and Housing sends information about Living Learning Communities to students after they deposit for housing on campus.


2023-2024 Living Learning Community Options

First-Year Honors Living Learning Community

The First-Year Honors LLC gives first-year students in the Honors Program the opportunity to live with one another in Pope Hall. Residents build relationships with their honors peers outside the classroom, receive guidance from Resident Assistants (RAs) who are also in Honors, and live in an environment that provides the needed supports to successfully transition to college. Students can indicate on their housing preference form if they are interested in rainbow housing within the Honors LLC. All first-year honors students can benefit from the unique community-building opportunities the LLC provides, though it is optional. Learn more about the Honors Program.

Upper-Level Honors Living Learning Community

The Upper-Level Honors LLC gives sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Honors Program the opportunity to live with one another in Weygand Hall. Residents build relationships with their honors peers outside the classroom and receive guidance from a Resident Assistant (RA) who is also in Honors. Additionally, students are invited to participate in our Peer Mentoring Program which allows them to gain leadership, collaboration, and communication skills while providing support to first-year honors students. Participation in the Honors LLC is optional. Learn more about the Honors Program.

Lavender Living Learning Community

This LLC provides LGBTQ+ (includes but not limited to asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, non-binary, pansexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, questioning and ally) students with safe and consistent spaces to build community, foster identity development, and increase knowledge of LGBTQ+ topics and scholarship. Open to all resident students.

Students who elect to participate the Lavender LLC or the Honors LLC will be required to form a roommate group of three students within the same LLC or will be placed with other students in the same LLC.

Music Majors & Minors Living Learning Community

This LLC provides Music majors and minors a safe environment where students can write, arrange, and perform music while being supported by colleagues and mentors. The LLC also provides assistance and tutoring for students enrolled in our Music theory sequence. Open to all resident students.

Students who elect to take part in the Music Majors & Minors LLC or the Community Engagement LLC can elect to live with others within that respective LLC. The upper-level LLC students will live in Weygand Hall in a pod of three and first-year LLC students will live in Scott Hall.


Theme Communities

Theme communities are communities where groups of residents can live together who have similar interests and goals, but do not have a class component.

First Generation Student Theme Community

First Generation Student is an intentional community for first-year students to live among other students that are the first in their family to go to college. This community creates opportunities to celebrate this accomplishment and provides resources and connections that are meant to help students successfully navigate BSU in their first year.

Inclusive Scholars Theme Community (ISTC)

Students living in ISTC foster a living environment that promotes kindness and acceptance. The ISTC encourages all participants to support each other in growth towards increased independence, social development and academic confidence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in Living-Learning Communities?

First Year students who have been granted housing during the admission process meet the minimum requirements to participate in the Living-Learning Communities. However, for both First Year Honors and Upper-Level Communities, students must be accepted in the Honors Program. More information on the Honors Program requirements can be found on their website.

Any student may participate in an LLC once they have been accepted into housing at Bridgewater. During the housing process, students must indicate interest in living in an LLC.

Upper-level students may apply to live in one of the LLCs that are housed in Weygand Hall or Scott Hall.

Is there additional housing cost associated with living in a Living-Learning Community?

No, there is no additional housing cost for living in a Living-Learning Community.

What is a Living-Learning Community?

Living-Learning Communities are housing option at BSU where students live with other students who share their interests. The various LLCs are housed in Scott Hall and Weygand Hall. The different Living-Learning Communities offer different programs and opportunities to cater to the needs of the specific community.

Students living in a Living-Learning Community have the opportunity to get to know faculty and staff in their area of interest and have unique opportunities to get involved in undergraduate research, volunteer projects, student clubs and organizations, and more.

When will I hear whether I've been accepted into a Living-Learning Community?

First-year students will receive notification about their admission into LLCs before on-line room selection and will be able to form roommate groups and participate in on-line room selection at the end of June. Upper-level students will be notified before on-line room selection in the Spring semester.

Can I request a roommate who does not apply to live in the Living-Learning Community?

LLCs are typically pretty popular, so we make sure that we have enough space on each designated floor for all of the applicants that have been accepted into each respective LLC first and foremost.

Will living in a Living-Learning Community limit my college experience?

No! In fact, LLCs are meant to expand your experience and help connect you with opportunities and resources that otherwise would be difficult for you to discover on your own on campus. Being part of an LLC helps connect you with faculty, staff and other students that are interested in your success - academically and socially and personally. They can help you figure out how to make the most of your time at BSU.

Students have said they feel a sense of belonging to a close-knit community that is very supportive, but they still have all the freedoms of other students living in the Residence Halls around them. They are able to make friends all over campus, pursue other interests, and select how much they want to get involved in Learning Community activities at any given time during the semester.